Monthly Archives: July 2016

A Layman’s Summary of Ify Omeni’s ‘Journey to Destiny’

It takes courage to write a book! It takes greater courage to write a literary work especially now that it’s no more fashionable to read! It takes more than courage to write a poem when people cannot understand prose! Yet people still write! They write Codes! After all, aren’t we in the technology age!? Why […]

Nigerians: Disposable Citizens!!!

  In December 2011 Israel’s government finalised an agreement for the release of  its captured soldier, Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners!! For them one Israeli life was worth more than 1 thousand Palestinian lives. Why won’t an Israeli die for his country! How much is a Nigerian life worth? Ummmm, obviously not […]

My New Blogging Voyage

A few Years ago, I attempted to embark on what I called “My New-Age Voyage”,-an attempt at starting a blog and  this was what I wrote: “As I embark on this voyage into the world of New Media… A voyage that has no destination!                                                                                          A voyage that can end as quickly as it began!” How […]