My New Blogging Voyage

A few Years ago, I attempted to embark on what I called “My New-Age Voyage”,-an attempt at starting a blog and  this was what I wrote:

“As I embark on this voyage into the world of New Media…

A voyage that has no destination!                                                                                         

A voyage that can end as quickly as it began!”

How true! It ended quickly! In fact it ended before it began! A complete failed voyage but one that I am determined to embark on again! And the words I wrote then still hold true today

Any person who decides to follow me must realize that I do not know where i am going!!

Anyone who reads my blog must wear more than a thinking cap and have a discerning spirit!!!

I intend to write about what i do not know and what I know, I often won’t write about!

I might make sense, often times complete nonsense!

I could be an Angel-nice, polite and even holy but I could also play the devil’s advocate –provocative, witty, naughty and crazy but at all times I would be Me!!!

And who am I?

I have no idea!!

Maybe I should start by trying to find out who i am!!! I don’t know much about me but I know I am passionately naijarian!! A Catholic “by birth, by choice and by inclination” I am quiet, deep and calm (at least on the surface) I delight in having “intellectual Intercourse” with ideas. I chase wisdom not because I ‘think I would catch it but maybe for the pleasure of chasing and of learning!!! After all I know that wisdom is a gift from above!! But more importantly I read- anything written I would read no matter the subject matter!

Hobbies!!! Do i have? I love Football-I am a long-standing-card-carrying- pre-Dstv fan of Manchester United! I love phones and gadgets! A true Android man -and a HTC addict! Yea I love cars! When I say cars I mean machines– and machines are made only by Germans !!!And of course Americans- who else will put a 5.7 litre engine in a car. My brief history of car ownership would prove this!!!Out of 7 cars that I have owned, not that I own, 5 have been German made cars- 3 BMWs, 1 Opel Vectra, Golf A4 and 1 Japanese (Toyota) and 1 American!

And now I have 5 cars on my “Bucket list” –

-Mercedes-Benz Gwagon 550 -which I doubt I would be foolish enough to buy or is it because by the time I can afford it, I would probably be too old to drive it.

-BMW M5- Lagos to Port Harcourt in 5hours would make my day

-Mini Cooper- Great things often come in small packs

-Toyota Tundra -to feel like a bully for once

-Nissan Micra- Don’t ask why. She Knows!

That reminds me of the Home front! I have my Doos- the best better-half and the cutest little boo in the world!

Vices?  I often imbibe a little liquid that isn’t water! I believe that it wasn’t a coincidence that the first public miracle that Jesus performed was to brew alcohol- Turn water into wine!!! That’s why a little vodka is a great delight.

Political Views? Ideology? I doubt if I have any…After all, whatever name you call it or whatever political system or party, they exist for one purpose–To exploit the weak!!!! Any wonder my current passion is to strengthen the weak to reclaim what belongs to them.

Does this explain who I am? I doubt it. I better stop here lest I lose myself instead of finding myself.

My only fear now, as it was then, ,.is whether I can sustain this blogging adventure. Hope it’s still not just a passing fancy? But even if it is, so what? I shall write as the spirit leads!!!

I pray the Spirit leads me to write about everyday people, about simple things that matter and about the bare necessities of life. Then and only then will I know that my voyage has truly began!!!