Nigerians: Disposable Citizens!!!


In December 2011 Israel’s government finalised an agreement for the release of  its captured soldier, Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners!! For them one Israeli life was worth more than 1 thousand Palestinian lives. Why won’t an Israeli die for his country! How much is a Nigerian life worth? Ummmm, obviously not more than a cow as recent events have shown!

Nigeria is consuming its citizens and is now a killing field. Everything will kill you in Nigeria: But Why?

If Soldiers don’t kill you; police will kill you; if collapsed buildings doesn’t kill you; unlatched containers will kill you; if expired tires doesn’t kill you, bad roads sure will; fake drugs will kill you; boko haram will kill you; militants will kill you; herdsmen will kill you; kidnappers will you; cultists will kill you; mob action will kill you; religious fanatics will kill you and sadly, even your husband or wife will kill you!

Does the State care if its citizens are dying in large numbers? Why would it care when the State itself kills its own citizens???:

  • for daring to occupy the road and stopping the convoy of our Army Czar, over 300 Nigerians were murdered in cold blood by the Army paid to defend them
  • when the bare-chested pro-biafrian agitators attempted to occupy the Niger Bridge, they received the same deadly treatment!

So why would anyone be surprised that Nigerians are being killed abroad when they are killed at home all the time?  Does anyone really expect the Nigerian State to care when its citizens are killed abroad when at home, they are slaughtered daily and the government doesn’t even bother to comment anymore except of course to dispute the casualty figures:

“…only 22 died in Benue! Only 7 people were killed in Niger, only 7 people died in Ikorodu. Nigerian deaths are characterized by the word ‘Only’! Only Worthless! Not even worth one-minute silence but rather total silence and indifference!

Of course the citizens themselves being good “followers” (or follow follow) have followed the example of their government! No more respect for the sanctity of human life. We take life at will and our online platforms and whatsapp forums are for sending gory pictures and morbid videos of our dead compatriots! We would almost take selfies with decapitated heads and limbs and charred corpses!

Would the death of 23 infants elicit an outrage? definitely not! What about the slaughter of over 150 of our country men, women and children in one week? Of course this news will not trend! We would rather comment on #BlackLivesMatter ! Truly black lives in America matter more than the ones in Nigeria!

Who gives a damn?  Definitely not our former President who categorically SAID he didn’t give a damn nor the current one who has clearly SHOWN he doesn’t give a damn! Why would anyone care? After all, we are mere disposable citizens!