A Layman’s Summary of Ify Omeni’s ‘Journey to Destiny’

It takes courage to write a book!

It takes greater courage to write a literary work especially now that it’s no more fashionable to read!

It takes more than courage to write a poem when people cannot understand prose!

Yet people still write! They write Codes! After all, aren’t we in the technology age!?

Why would anyone bother to write or read a poem?

Who poem don epp?

But Come to think of it, wouldnt it be correct to say that Poetry is to literature what coding is to programming? Both use words and characters as symbols that convey greater meaning than the words themselves?


‘Footprints of Note’ by Ify Omeni is an inspiring book by a courageous young lady.

As I flipped through the pages of the “Footprints of Note”, the long Poem “Journey to Destiny” was a delight to read and an invitation to eat, chew, digest the imagery and spit out the meaning in a summarized form. Can you summarize a poem? Many would say:” you cannot”!! ! You can interpret, explain, analyse and critique a poem but to summarize a poem? Hmmmm! But who else will attempt the unthinkable?

And here I go:

“I wonder if….

you ever arrive at a Groove of Silence

What will it take to free you from the valley of thorns

And come into the Meadow of Sunshine!

Can you find the Key of purpose and swim in the Lake of Colour?

Or bath in the Fountain of heroes?

Will GRACE find you?

Will you be empowered by the voice of the KING?

And be restored to a place where your dreams will not be forgotten?

Will the Spirit of Divinity make you rise from the debris of despair to a realm of Glory!?

Can you pick up your dreams, your untapped talents and resurrect to fruition,

new hopes given up for dead!?”

If Yes! Join Ify Omeni on the Journey to Destiny! A journey for every man and woman”- especially for those whose lives are littered with the “debris of despair” and for whom the world is simply a “valley of thorns” But Ify Omeni tells us that Grace will find us and fill us with new hope till we discover again the key of purpose. A key that will inspire us to pick up our dreams and untapped talents and rise to a new realm- the realm of Glory! |And Maybe leave footprints worthy of Note!

Start your own journey by reading Ify Omeni’s ‘Footprints of Note’ – A truly inspirational Book!


And this is my layman’s summary of Ify Omeni’s ‘Journey to Destiny ‘