Not Too Old To Support The #NotTooYoungToRun Bill

 “If I am young and right, what does my age matter?  -Sophocles, “Antigone”

In Nigeria, especially in Nigerian Politics, age does matter. Experience does matter! And experience, we believe, comes with age! In some sense, age is seen as an accomplishment! Little wonder that the usual admonition for young people is “Wait for your turn!”

No doubt, it is essential for young people to learn the ropes and climb the ladder of leadership!  They need to gain experience and be mentored! Sound advice one would agree but it is at the same time deceptive in the Nigerian political setting!!

Young people are expected to pay their dues through what is, in most cases, an endless political apprenticeship. An apprenticeship period when the youth are deemed only fit to vote, to be political thugs, or to be given bogus and meaningless political appointments such as The Special Assistant to the Senior Special Assistant on Domestic Matters!

But when will their turn come when the old refuse to leave the political space? Except there is a citizens’ action to change this situation, “Wait for your turn” will continue to end up being a case of “waiting the godot”.

This is why the #NotTooYoungToRun Bill before the National assembly is timely and worthy of support.

Not to young to run logo

The Bill sponsored by Hon.Tony Nwulu representative of Oshodi/Isolo Federal Constituency II of Lagos state seeks to reduce the age qualification for the office of the President from 40 years to 30 years; Governor 35 to 30, Senate 35 to 30, House of Representatives 30 to 25 and State House of Assembly 30 to 25 respectively. The Bill also seeks to mainstream “independent candidacy” into Nigeria’s electoral process.

Does being young disqualify you from performing well?

Any need to list the great achievements of young people in Nigeria!?

Suffice it to say that the mature and efficient manner this #NotTooYoungToRun Bill campaign is being ran by YIAGA led by Samson Itodo-an enterprising young man, is enough testament to the power and ingenuity of the Nigerian youth and to their capacity to lead and perform well.

Will the passage of this Bill automatically yield more democracy dividends? or lead to improved social services, or reduce youth unemployment or poverty?

Of course not!

Democracy is essentially about participation and inclusion!  It is about the freedom to take part in decision making on matters that affect one’s life! It is about freedom of all citizens to aspire to be more than passengers in the democratic bus but to take the driver’s seat. The bill is not only about political rights; it is also about opening up more opportunities for service. Therefore, this initiative which seeks to promote popular participation and expand the democratic space needs to be encouraged and supported.

Engr. Joy Omiyale- Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association OshodiMrs. Umar Sherifat- Hairdressers Association IsoloAlhaji S. A. Akinwande- Ishaga Community Development Association

This campaign belongs not just to the youth, it belongs to all democrats who support participatory and inclusive democracy. Just as the efforts to increase women’s participation in politics cannot not be left for women alone, the advocacy campaigns for the #NotTooYoungToRun Bill should be our collective responsibility- young and old!

And this is why I can proudly say that I am #NotTooOldToSupport the #NotTooYoungToRun Bill!