Author Archives: admin

2019 Nigeria General Election: My 5 Take -Aways!

Even as the Nigerian Election saga continues with cancellations, re-collation, supplementary elections and court cases, the 2019 elections will go down in history as one of the strangest, most confusing and complicated elections in Nigeria. Some will say it was a farce, a comedy of errors and one that reversed the recent trend of electoral improvements […]

Nigerian Hospitals: Healing Or Killing Fields

Why do Nigerians go to hospitals? Here I go again, asking foolish questions with obvious answers! Why else will they go to hospitals – obviously to get treated, to receive professional and expert medical care! Why else? Why else indeed! The answer is not so obvious! For some and increasingly for most people, it is, […]

There is enough!!!

  In a world full of misery, injustice, inequality, starvation, violence and crime, poverty and lack, it sounds ironical to hear that there is enough: enough resources, enough food, enough talents, enough knowledge, enough laws, enough technology to make our world a just and fair place without hunger, disease and lack. There is indeed enough […]

The “Iyanga” Tailor

  She brags about her tailoring skills and the fact that she knows her onions when it comes to the art and science of dressmaking. She would think herself a true “Architect” of clothing- a designer and builder of elegant garments.  She is a seamstress like no other – reliable, creative and always meets her […]

Nigerian Men and their Power and Energy Crisis

  Everybody knows and even babies know that Nigeria has a power problem! The shout: “Up Nepa!” has been passed from generation to generation till today even when NEPA has changed its named  to PHCN and to DISCO yet Nigerians are still dancing with darkness!   So what is new? What is there to write about the power […]

Where Are The Poets?

Was he chased in the dream by the gods of poetry, screaming at him “where are our children?” that when AKIN woke up the first question he would ask was: “Where are the Poets?” Maybe not! Maybe his question was a form of lamentation on the apparent dearth of poets in Nigeria! A lamentation shared […]

Trash and Beauty Are In The Eyes Of The Beholder!

Ify cried! She cried as she watched the film! She shed tears not because the film was too sentimental or emotional. No!  Ify cried because the story line of the movie was a replica of a story she had written a few years ago which an “expert” told her wasn’t good enough! That it was […]

Not Too Old To Support The #NotTooYoungToRun Bill

 “If I am young and right, what does my age matter?  -Sophocles, “Antigone” In Nigeria, especially in Nigerian Politics, age does matter. Experience does matter! And experience, we believe, comes with age! In some sense, age is seen as an accomplishment! Little wonder that the usual admonition for young people is “Wait for your turn!” […]

A Layman’s Summary of Ify Omeni’s ‘Journey to Destiny’

It takes courage to write a book! It takes greater courage to write a literary work especially now that it’s no more fashionable to read! It takes more than courage to write a poem when people cannot understand prose! Yet people still write! They write Codes! After all, aren’t we in the technology age!? Why […]